Hi-tech Museum
Museums have evolved with the introduction of new-age technology. Modern Museums & Interpretation Centers world-wide have steadily adapted over time to incorporate latest technologically advanced digital modes of Audio-Visual communication to keep visitors engaged through their journey around the museum.
At MadOverFish, we have mastered the art of achieving this goal of keeping visitors wonderstruck through their journey, while still maintaining a unique and captivating style of story-telling
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality allows users to experience the real-world around them blended with an informative narration creating a deep-rooted, impactful learning experience.
Virtual Reality
Coupled with robotic animals or vehicles, we at MadOverFish create Virtual reality experiences that transcends to higher heights.
Interactive Reality
We understand the relevance of engulfing the overall story / theme that a museum wants to convey into an interactive reality making it a great tool to ensure attracting and holding the visitor’s attention while narrating an important message.
Projection Mapping
We have been using Projection mapping along with Diorama scale models of Zoos, Battle-fields, Marine Habitats and Forts enabling us to recreate an experience that visitors cherish and remember.
3D Theatres
3D Theatres have always been an integral part of our Museums & Interpretation centres, a 3D theatre recreates an aura that remians the essence of a great story telling technique.
Virtual Bus / Boat Ride
We have introduced a unique technology that allows simulating Virtual Tours using buses, jeeps, battle-tanks, boats or submarines.
Our Acrylic engineering expertise together with our skilled and artistic workforce has enabled us to cultivate some of the finest Acrylic Dioramas which have become centers of attraction.
Holographic Projection
Our Holograms and Holo-wall technologies never cease to amaze visitors with their sheer magnitude and splendor.
Vuforia Engine
Adobe Aero
Unity 3D
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality allows users to experience the real-world around them coupled with information creating a deeply rooted and impactful learning experience. Creating scale model features such as animals, boats and vehicles that blend in with the Augmented Reality experience, allows visitors to walk away overwhelmed with their Augmented Reality experiences.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality allows visitors to experience any environment creating a virtual world around them allowing a 360 degree immersive virtual experience. Coupled with robotic animals or vehicles, we at MadOverFish create Virtual reality experiences that transcends to higher heights. We partner with companies specialized in the softwares and do the content direction.
Occulus Pro
Google VR
Amazon Sumerian
3ds Max
Saltwater Aquariums
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Saltwater Aquariums
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Saltwater Aquariums
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Saltwater Aquariums
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Interactive Reality
Interactive Reality allows visitors to experience unique inter-active features of technology while they take home an important message, be it environment, conservation or education, interactive reality remains a unique digital marvel. Vistors might walk through a digitally created jungle or a pond while their motion triggers animals, birds, fish or waves to respond to movements. At MadOverFish, we understand the relevance of engulfing the overall story / theme that a museum wants to convey into an interactive reality making it a great tool to ensure attracting and holding the visitor’s attention while narrating an important message
Projection Mapping
Projection mapping of video content onto a specific area combined with an audio narrative creates unique optical illusions and is an artistic audio-visual narration tool. Using Projection mapping with dioramas and scale models of Zoos, Battle-fields or Forts allows us to recreate an experience that visitors cherish and remember.
Specialized Projectors
Projection Mapping used with a 4 meter X 3 meter Zoo Scale model diorama built in Acrylic, recreates the entire Zoo while delivering detailed information of each species in the Zoo.
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Operations & Updates
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Realistic views
Provides almost real experience using 3d active glasses
Content creation
We prepare 3D content from start up, not via converting 2d to 3d
Story telling
When it comes to wildlife and nature, story telling becomes an art.
Special sound and audio effects and multilingual shows for visitor education.
3D Theatres
3D Theatres have always been an integral part of our Museums & Interpretation centres, a 3D theatre recreates an aura that remians the essence of a great story telling technique. Be it conservation, preservation or social awareness, whatever the theme that a museum wants to convey we have always found a way to deliver the narrative with a perfect blend of Audio-visual content and powerful delivery
Virtual Bus / Boat Ride
We have introduced a unique technology that allows simulating Virtual Tours using buses, jeeps, battle-tanks, boats or submarines. Our Virtual Tour rides have become well-known for attracting visitors to revisit the Museums & Interpretation Centres in order to relive the Virtual Ride experience
National Park Bus Tour
Virtual Bus Ride through National Park that re-creates a real bus journey through the National park along with the species and inhabitants using LED sync technology.
Battle field Tank Ride
We created an environment of a real battle ground using rocks, sand, GFRC theme work etc. and remodelled a Tanker with VR glasses.
Wildlife Safari Jeep Tour
Create a wildlife theme, put a safari jeep, that remains standstill, put on the VR glass and enjoy the virtual thrill.
Jungle Safari Boat Ride
With panoramic projectors and a real water body and real boat moving few meters and a realistic video played on a dome shape screen the safari comes alive.
Saltwater Aquariums
Mumbai Zoo Diorama Scale Model with in-sync Audio-Visual Content of Species.
Saltwater Aquariums
Army Interpretation Center Diorama model designed with Projection mapping replicating a battlefield.
Our Acrylic engineering expertise together with our skilled and artistic workforce has enabled us to cultivate some of the finest Acrylic Dioramas which have become centres of attraction.
Be it dioramas synced with AV content on a projection wall or projection mapping to make dioramas come alive and resemble a battlefield with virtual tanks and jeeps projected onto a scale model, we’ve been able to deliver the underlying theme of the Museum with panache
Holographic Projection
Holograms have always been the centre of attraction at most modern Museums & Interpretation centres and is always a “crowd-puller”. In recent times holo-wall graphic displays have created their own significance in the Holographic Projection Space.
Having tied up with international industry leaders in Holograpahic projection technologies, we have been able to deliver latest devices coupled with high quality AV content, our Holograms and Holo-wall technologies never cease to amaze visitors with their sheer magnitude and splendor
Wildlife Interpretation Centre - Mumbai
The Holo-wall display at the Mumbai Zoo stands gigantic with its large 7.5 meter span keeping visitors glued by its grandeur.
Nature Interpretation Centre - Assam
Designed to be set within a dense jungle section of Assam’s Nature Interpretation Centre the Hologram displays add live to the recreated dense Assam forest.
Army Interpretation Center
The Holo-wall display at the Army Interpretation Centre designed to stand testimony to the fallen soldiers and heroes of India.
Wetland Interpretation Center
Combination of real life exhibits of Otters, Pythons combined with educational videos of other wildlife in the tropical rainforest.